Sunday, March 28, 2010

Health care

I went to the following link (all the what at the end) and read up on some of the pending changes due to the new heath care reform. So far as a chef and as someone who is interested in healthy eating I do agree with putting the nutritional information where people will see it before they order it. Then people can make a informed decision about what they eat, it is still their choice of what to eat. Really my aversion to whole thing is what this bill does is take away one of our rights to choose. However now that this Bill has passed it has paved the way for the government to take away more of our rights. It might be slowly, but it will happen and some of them are just going to be taxed if we choose to partake in them. Somethings we will just be forced to do or pay the fine for not. In 1961 Mr Ronald Reagan gave a speech about government healthcare, it's long but worth the time. It tells you about things to come.

It says that if you own a restaurant and have more than 50 full or part time employees then you will need to provide insurance for them or pay a fine. I understand that people need insurance but at the cost per person, if you are already just trying to staying in the black then you might have to cut you staff. I have heard many people say this is what they are going to do.
I know if I work somewhere and it is a smaller business (under 49 employees) I'm ok for now I have Tricare from retiring from the Air Force. I do worry about my son who is going into culinary with me and he will be off my insurance when he is 26 (earlier if he gets married) but then again I have the same problem with all of my children.

My oldest is going to college to be a doctor and is paying close attention to the bill because it is a double or even triple whammy for her. 1. her insurance 2. her pay and 3. if she is in a business she will have to provide insurance for her employees.

Another thing that is going to affect things is the upcoming ban on salt and sugary foods. We all know its coming. I wonder how that will affect the pastry chefs. I am hoping to have a menu for diabetics and for people who need to watch their salt intake. That way people with diabetes and hypertension can eat out without having to worry. All of the nutritional information will be on the menu. This will cost more money in the long run but worth it in the end.

"It's difficult to believe that people are still starving in this country because food isn't available." Ronald Reagan

I know alot of people are just looking at it as we need to take care of the people that don't have health insurance. Some people don't have health insurance because they don't think they need it. Some don't have it because they can't afford it. Some don't have it because they don't have a job. For what ever the reason they don't have it, it is a choice. For the people who say they can't afford it there is Medicaid (I know its not the best but what do we think we will have have now). For those that didn't have it because they didn't have a job then they could get a job, or not.
My Dad was physically disabled for 15 years and couldn't work. My parents lived in a small town 125 people, no jobs. My Dad had Medicare and my Mom had nothing but they survived until my Mom made her way through college. They moved to Oklahoma City and got real insurance, when Mom got a job and it couldn't save my Dad from cancer.

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